Deelname aan The Sources of '68 - 49th Annual Conference of IALHI-International Association of Labour History Institutions

The memory of the international 1968 refers to a mosaic of sources related not only to national and territorial peculiarities, but also to the different structure and duration of each social movement that was launched in that year. The contribution that IALHI member institutes can provide to recreate the general framework is therefore of great importance and allows, through the comparison of the preserved documentation, to offer a broad overview of the available sources in order to find the questions, the instances, the desires of a generation that suddenly found itself at the centre of history and that tried to deeply change not only politics and society, but also languages and collective behaviours.

The discussion will then be focused on eight keywords (freedom, individual, movement, power, collective, youth, society, utopia), introduced by the round table that closes the morning of Friday, September 14th. These eight open and horizontal keywords are not meant to limit the discussion to predefined disciplinary areas or to pre-set interpretations but, on the contrary, the goal is to promote contaminations and exchanges between those who preserve heritage and those who question it. The debate will then be split up in eight thematic tables: a curator and a researcher will be jointly responsible of each table, while a rapporteur will be charged of drafting a summary sheet to sum up the discussion outcomes that will be shared by IALHI.

The conference The Sources of ‘68 is organized by IALHI-International Association of Labour History Institutions. Hosted in Milano, Italy by Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.


Wednesday, September 12th

Location: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, viale Pasubio 5

18.00-20.00 – Reception and welcoming of conference participants by FGF

Thursday, September 13th

Location: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, viale Pasubio 5

09.00 – Coffee and registration of participants

10.00 – Opening words

Carlo Feltrinelli, President, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

Filippo del Corno, Councilor for the Arts, City of Milano

Geert Van Goethem, President, IALHI

10.30 – IALHI General Assembly

11.30 – Update of the Social History Portal: Final Report of the IALHI Project

12.00 – Lunch (free time)

13.00 – IALHI Member presentations, part one

13.00 – 13.10 \  Patrick Auderset (Collège du Travail, Genève), Project for an exhibition: A Season Without End (Working title). A Tribute to the Contribution of Seasonal Workers to Post-War Prosperity in Geneva.

13.15 – 13.25 \  Fabian Würtz (Swiss Social Archives, Zürich) and Eric de Ruijter (the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam), IIIF presentation of digital archives.

13.30 – 13.40 \ Afelonne Doek (IISH, Amsterdam), Discussion on the impact of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on institutes with (archival) collections.

13.45 – 13.55  \  Lucas Poy (Universitad de Buenos Aires, CONICET), The challenge of developing a labor history research center in Latin America. A presentation of the work done by the Centro de Estudios Históricos de los Trabajadores y las Izquierdas in Buenos Aires.

14.00 – 14.10 \  Minna Sannikka (Työväen Arkisto, Helsinki), Oral histories of the Finnish Civil War – Making the audio recordings available.

14.15 – 14.25 \ Geert Van Goethem and Donald Weber (Amsab-ISG, Ghent), Archives of Camille Huysmans, secretary of The Second International 1905-1922.

14.30 – Coffee break


15.00 – Hands-on Workshop for Social History Portal Data Providers

15.00 – IALHI Member presentations, part two

15.00 – 15.10 \ Catia Cottone and Paola Asproni (Fondazione Nocentini, Torino) , Inside an archive. Old models and new research opportunities through the sharing of spaces and services

15.15 – 15.25 \ Richard Temple (Senate House Library, University of London), The Ted Crawford papers.

15.30 – 15.40 \ Enoki Kazue (Ohara Institute for Social Research, Hosei University, Tokyo), 100th anniversary project.

15.45 – 15.55 \ Dario Massimi (CGIL Archivio storico-Biblioteca Luciano Lama, Roma), BiblioMarx

16.00 – 16.10 \ Massimo Repetto (ABMO, Genova), Three Centennials, Three Projects.

16.15 – 16.25 \ Andreas Marquez (Archiv der sozialen Demokratie und Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung-Bonn), AdsD’s toolbox for digital preservation

16.30 – 16.40 \ Robert Reynolds (University of Maryland), George Meany Archives

17.00 – Guided tour of FGF’s Archives and Library

18.30– Reception hosted by the City of Milano

Location: piazza del Duomo, 14

Friday September 14th

Location: Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, viale Pasubio 5

Conference Part I

9.00 – Opening words

Massimiliano Tarantino, Secretary General, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

9.15 – Keynote speakers

Donald Weber (Amsab-ISG), chair

Marcello Flores (Università di Siena), Memory in 1968

Alessandro Portelli (Sapienza-Università di Roma), Oral sources and the multiple narratives of 1968

Uliano Lucas (Photoreporter, Milano), Pictures of ’68. Photoreporting the upheaval

11.30 – Coffee break

12.00 – Round Table – Collecting memories of ’68: a comparative perspective (Maria Guercio, Marcello Flores, Alessandro Portelli, Uliano Lucas, Anja Kruke)

13.00 – Lunch (free time)

Conference Part II

14.00 – IALHI Member presentations, part three

14.00 – 14.10 \ Stefania Baschieri and Mario Salvadori (Centro di Documentazione, Lucca), Sources for the Italian ’68 history.

14.15 – 14.25 \ Elena Strukova (State Historical Public Library, Moscow), 1968 in the pages of the periodical press of Soviet informals in the Perestroika.

14.30 – 14.40 \ Alpo Vakeva (Library of the Labour Movement, Helsinki), The memory of 1968 in the Library of Labour Movement collections.

14.45 – 14.55 \ Sara Zanisi and Monica di Barbora (Fondazione ISEC, Sesto San Giovanni), The exhibition «A large number: Signs images words from 1968 in Milan»

15.00 – 15.10 \ Ioanna Kasapi and Jean-Philippe Legois (Cité des mémoires étudiantes, Aubervilliers), The 68’s in France: which sources of student movements?

15.15 – 15.25 \ Franco Bertolucci (Biblioteca Franco Serantini, Pisa), ’68 Pisan sources.

15.30 – 15.40 \ Elisa Castellano (Fondazione di Vittorio, Roma), Roberto Campo (Istituto di Studi Sindacali Italo Viglianesi Roma) and Catia Cottone (Fondazione Vera Nocentini Torino), Italian unionism and 1968: from protest to the construction of trade union unity.

16.00 – Coffee break

16.30-17.30 – Four Keywords for ’68

Marta Gara, (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano) Power: Radicals deal with power: the Washington DC non voting-delegate election of 1971 through the pages of an underground paper

Maria Grazia Meriggi, (SiSLav Governing Board, former professor at University of Bergamo) Mouvement: ‘68 and workers movement

Donatella Sasso, (Istituto di Studi Storici Gaetano Salvemini) Freedom: The 1968 Movement in Italy and western Europe: a mirage of freedom or authentic emancipation?

David Bidussa, (Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Milano) Utopia: Ce qu’il-reste du ’68. Rachat et Utopie ou Révolte et mélancolie?

19.30 – Conference dinner

Saturday September 15th

Location: Fondazione ISEC, Largo Lamarmora 17, Sesto San Giovanni (MI)

10.00 – Opening words

Giorgio Bigatti, Director, Fondazione ISEC

10.15 – Excursion: guided tour of Fondazione ISEC’s collections on ’68 heritage

12.00 – Expected end of Conference

Praktische info

Looptijd van
Looptijd tot
IALHI-International Association of Labour History Institutions
Donald Weber
Amsab-ISG, Bagattenstraat 174, 9000 Gent
09 224 00 79

Departement Cultuur, Jeugd, Sport en Media – Afdeling Cultureel Erfgoed – Tussenkomst voor de internationale reis- en verblijfskosten van cultureel-erfgoedorganisaties

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