Opening up our Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities in Digitising and Promoting Cultural and Research Collections

The University of Liège Library regularly organizes, in collaboration with the International Relations Office of the University, an Erasmus Staff Training Week dedicated to specific library-related topics. A 9th edition of an Erasmus Week will be organized by ULiège Library in 2024.

It will take place from June 10 to June 14, 2024, and will focus on strategic and operational aspects related to the valorisation and promotion of cultural and research heritage collections. The theme of the Week will be: Opening up our Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities in Digitising and Promoting Cultural and Research Collections.

Applicants will need to supply a motivation letter, a CV and a list of publications and communications(if any) and are strongly encouraged to submit a paper proposal. Suggested topics that presentations could focus on:

  • Collaboration and partnership with other libraries and institutions for better valorisation
  • Crowdsourcing to accelerate projects to promote heritage collections
  • Digital exhibition projects or creations by libraries and archives
  • Discoverability of digital heritage collections (metadata, harvesting, linked data, etc.)
  • DRM, license, copyrights, NFTs, blockchain, and copyright issues
  • Examples of successful collaboration between researchers and librarians
  • Exhibiting cultural and research heritage objects with a CMS/web-publishing platform (Omeka, Blacklight, DSpace, SobeckCM, etc.)
  • Improving the visibility and accessibility of archives using digital technology
  • Innovative value-added services for digital heritage collections
  • Integration with (inter)national harvesters and aggregators
  • Public policies for cultural and research heritage valorisation

As for the previous edition, the Week’s proceedings will be published in Open Access in 2025.

Participation in the Erasmus Staff Training week is free, but participants will have to cover their travel costs, accommodation, and living expenses (incl. some lunches). Participation of the home institution in the European Erasmus Mobility Staff Training program is not a condition for applying.

A call for participation is open until December 31, 2023. All details can be found at:

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