CHARTER Alliance Webinar: Cultural Heritage Sector Dynamics Across Europe – Exploring Gaps And Needs In Professional Development

Tweede in een reeks van drie webinars, georganiseerd door CHARTER Alliance en ENCATC. 

Voertaal is Engels.

The second webinar in the three-part series sharing the CHARTER Alliance's findings will look at sector dynamics and examine relevant stakeholders in the sector. It will also allow participants to get insights into the process of mapping the cultural heritage sector in terms of skills and needs shortages in educational and professional contexts. The speakers will share main findings in addition to proposing future scenarios and solutions. The webinars are organised in partnership with ENCATC and within the framework of ENCATC’s Members Talks series.

Inschrijven kan via deze link. Op die pagina vindt u ook meer informatie over het programma.

14:00 - 15:30 CET

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